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LMS integration

Why should I integrate Accepi into my learning management system (LMS)?

Integrating Accepi with your LMS allows students to access Accepi directly from the LMS, without having to log into the Accepi website every single time (single sign-on). In addition, it makes it easier for you to transfer the Accepi scores into the gradebook of your LMS.

How can Accepi work with my LMS?

Accepi fully supports the LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 standards, which are supported by all common learning management systems.

LTI 1.1 (deprecated) LTI 1.3 (recommended)
Single sign-onYesYes
Grade uploadOn clickAutomatic
Links to assignmentOne link to all assignmentsSeparate link for each assignment
Gradebook itemsOnly one for overall Accepi scoreOne for each assignment

LTI 1.1 (deprecated)

The LTI 1.1 standard supports single sign-on and one-click grade upload to the LMS gradebook. However, you won't be able to have separate gradebook entries for each Accepi assignment. You should add Accepi as a graded item to the LMS only once and call it, say, homework or Accepi. You can then add this item to all modules, as long as you are aware that all modules will show the same deadline and there will only be one gradebook item for Accepi, which will show each student's total Accepi score, not their assignment score.

One-click score transfer only works if Accepi was added to your LMS as an item with a corresponding gradebook entry, and if you access Accepi through the LMS. In that case, you can navigate to the course results page (click on "See results" on the course page) and click on the button "Upload to LMS". Please note that an individual student's score gets uploaded to the LMS whenever the student visits the course results page, but you should update all scores by clicking on "Upload to LMS" before determining the final grades for the course.

The total Accepi score gets updated in the LMS grade book if one of two things happens:

LTI 1.3 (recommended)

The LTI 1.3 standard supports single sign-on and automatic grade upload to the LMS gradebook. You can have specific links to each assignment.

The assignment score gets updated in the LMS grade book if it has changed in Accepi since the last syncing and one of three things happens:

How to integrate Accepi into my LMS?

Please choose your learning management system below. If yours is not listed, contact us at We will work with you or your IT department to enable LMS integration.

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