Back to LMS integration

Blackboard integration

LTI 1.3 (recommended)

One-time installation by a Blackboard administrator

You need to have Blackboard administrator privileges to add Accepi as an external tool to Blackboard. If you don't have those, please ask your IT department to follow the steps below:

  1. Verify that your global properties are correct following these instructions:
    • On the Administrator Panel, select LTI Tool Providers.
    • Click on Manage Global Properties.
    • Under Feature Availability, makes sure that Enabled in Courses is set to Yes.
    • Make sure that Allow configured tool providers to post grades is set to Yes.
    • Click on Submit.
  2. Register Accepi as a new LTI 1.3 tool following these instructions:
    • On the Administrator Panel, select LTI Tool Providers.
    • Select Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool.
    • In the Client ID field, enter 66458a62-6e23-4294-ac73-cf7e41149edc and click on Submit.
    • Under Tool status, copy the deployment ID and email it to us at
    • For the Tool status setting, select Approved.
    • In the Institution policies section, select Role in Course and Name.
    • Select Yes for Allow grade service access.
    • Click on Submit.
  3. Depending on your version of Blackboard, you might be able to skip this step. If you cannot find the Accepi content selection tool in the last step, please come back here to create a placement for the Accepi tool following these instructions:
    • On the Administrator Panel, select LTI Tool Providers.
    • Open the tool's drop-down menu and select Manage Placements.
    • Select Create Placements.
    • Label: Accepi integration.
    • Handle: accepi_content_selection.
    • Set availability to Yes.
    • Under the Type section, select Deep Linking content tool (or Course content tool with Supports deep linking enabled in older versions of Blackboard).
    • Do not select “Allow student access.”
    • In the Tool Provider Information section, enter the Tool Provider URL as
    • Click on Submit.

Per-course activation by the instructor

  1. Verify that LTI tools are enabled in your course following these instructions:
    • In the course for which you want to enable the tool, go to the left menu bar and click on Tool availability under Course management -> Customization.
    • Find the row that says LTI and make sure that the first checkbox (Available) is checked.
    • Click on Submit.
  2. You can now add Accepi assignments to your Blackboard course:
    • Click on Content in the Course menu (in Ultra: click the + in the area of the course where you want to add the links).
    • Click on Build Content (in Ultra: select Content Market).
    • Select the Accepi content selection tool.
    • Log in with your Accepi email and password (you only have to do this once).
    • Choose the course from your Accepi courses that you want to integrate into Blackboard.
    • Choose the assignments that you want to integrate into Blackboard.
    • Click on "Submit."
    • Add a due date to all assignments (Blackboard doesn't use the dates from Accepi), so that students can see them.

LTI 1.1 (deprecated)

Log in directly on the Accepi website (not through the LMS), create a new course and choose the "LMS LTI 1.1" access type on the course page. Leave this window open and log into your LMS in a different window or tab. Add a new content link or assignment and copy and paste the information from the course page: the consumer key and shared secret, and either the launch or the configuration URL.

Blackboard Learn 9.1

An administrator (or the instructor if they were given access rights) has to approve Accepi as an external tool:

  1. Under System Admin, choose Integrations or Building Blocks, then LTI Tool Providers
  2. Click on "Register Provider Domain"
  3. Enter "" as the domain
  4. Set provider domain status to "Approved"
  5. Choose "Set separately for each link" as the default configuration
  6. Check the box for "Send user data only over SSL
  7. Select "Role in course" and "Name"

Blackboard documentation for administrators

The instructor can then integrate Accepi into their Blackboard course:

  1. On the Accepi website, create a new course or navigate to the course that you want to integrate into Blackboard (Note: Do not change the integration method while a course is in progress, or all student data will be recorded and reported separately for the two integration methods)
  2. For the course that you want to integrate, please change the access type to "LMS LTI 1.1"
  3. In Blackboard, add a new "Web link" to your course
  4. Give it a name, e.g., "Homework" or "Accepi"
  5. For URL, enter "" (Note: protocol must be https, not http)
  6. Check the box that says "This link is a tool provider"
  7. Copy the key and secret from the Accepi course page to the relevant fields on this page
  8. Check the box that says "Evaluated" and choose a point score, e.g., 100
  9. Choose the "Yes" radio button next to "Open in New Window"
  10. Click on "Submit"

Blackboard documentation for instructors

Blackboard Ultra

The instructor can integrate Accepi in their Blackboard course as follows:

  1. On the Accepi website, create a new course or navigate to the course that you want to integrate into Blackboard (Note: Do not change the integration method while a course is in progress, or all student data will be recorded and reported separately for the two integration methods)
  2. For the course that you want to integrate, please change the access type to "LMS"
  3. In Blackboard, click on "+" under "Course Content," then "Create"
  4. Click on "Teaching tools with LTI connection"
  5. Enter "" as the configuration URL (set the protocol to https://)
  6. Copy the key and secret from the Accepi course page to the relevant fields on this page
  7. Check the box that says "Open in a new window"
  8. Check the box that says "Create gradebook entry for this item"
  9. Enter a point number, e.g., 100, in the field for "Maximum points"
  10. Click on "Save"

Video instructions

Blackboard documentation for instructors